World Menopause Day - Cardiovascular Disease

World Menopause Day - Cardiovascular Disease

It’s World Menopause Day (18th Oct 2023) and this year's theme is cardiovascular disease.

It may come as a surprise to hear that cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in postmenopausal women. Unbelievably, the risk of heart disease is five times higher post menopause due to the lack of oestrogen. 

🫀Oestrogen provides protection against heart disease. levels of oestrogen plummet during menopause, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease, heart attack and stroke.

🫀Here are some warning signs to look out for:

  • Chest pains 
  • Shortness of breath
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue 
  • Sleep difficulties 
  • Water retention (especially in the legs and ankles)

It’s important to remember that dizziness, fatigue and heart palpitations are not uncommon during menopause, but make sure you see your GP if you’re unsure.

🫀These are our top lifestyle tips for improving your heart function:

  • Exercise - a combination of cardiovascular🏃 and resistance training 🏋have the greatest benefit for the prevention of heart disease.
  • Better sleep 😴 - long term lack of sleep can increase strain on your heart
  • Reduce stress  😥 - Stress relieving techniques eg; deep breathing exercises 🫁 or meditation 🧘 can reduce inflammation and have a positive effect on your heart.

🫀Things to think about when planning your meals:

  • Reduce salt and saturated fat
  • Think purple 💜 - antioxidants in purple food will have a positive impact on your heart health eg; berries, red cabbage, beetroot
  • Calcium  🤍- not only good for your bones, but good for your heart too. Try chickpeas, dairy products, figs 
  • Potassium and magnesium 💚 are essential for good heart health, go for dark green veg like spring greens or swiss chard.
  • Fibre 🤎 can prevent damage to arteries, introduce some lentils, wholegrains, dried fruits.

In the words of Fergal Sharkey (for all those born in the 70’s), ‘a good heart these days is hard to find’... Do what you can to look after yours...


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